Month: November 2011

It’s been a good year

Has it really been a year?!

Reflecting on the fact that it has been almost exactly one year since my last post (gasp!), I have decided to attempt to recap the entirety of highlights from 2011 – it’s been a good year.  Oh, and I’m gonna do it in a third person narrative.

*Insert that catchy little ESPN highlight jingle here*

When we last left Carrie, January 2010, she was waddling around nearly seven months pregnant and completely in denial that knee-high brown leather boots with 4″ heels was not the appropriate footwear to be wearing.

Kidding, I seriously couldn’t keep that up the whole post!

The early months of 2011 were spent on newborn retail acquisitions, moving into a new home, and eating french fries in obscene quantities.

BBB (Beautiful Baby Boy) arrived in mid April 2011 – not without a dramatic entrance.  For the next 8 weeks, I went offline, un-blowdried, and under 3″.

Returning to work in mid-June brought on a whole host of new challenges, errr, I mean opprtunites to reafirm just how little sleep one person can function on.  Back in the saddle of work/life balance, I was in for the ride of my life.  It may be taboo to say, but I was actually looking forward to getting back to work, to adult interaction, and to seven reasons a week to wear heels.

Every morning was spent kissing BBB goodbye before sunrise….

…. and arriving home in time to smother him with more smooches before he went to sleep for the night.  Yes, you read that correctly (caution: mom brag), BBB slept through the night starting at 9 weeks!

The summer went by fast – a blur of play dates, working weekends, and watching BBB grow and grow.

We went to the zoo and saw bears

When Fall came, the fun continued.

We picked apples at Apple Hill

We hunted for pumpkins at the pumpkin patch

It was an adventurous Summer and Fall – for the whole family. DD started a new job; I have taken the jump into 1099 services for interactive media, blog, and marketing as side work; and BBB just continues to grow, discover, and amaze everyday.

Here we are, the verge of December 2011, and it’s safe to say…. it’s been a good year.